Judges of Fact – 22nd October

BULLETIN # 49 General Announcements
October 21/22 - Brands Hatch FFF 22 October 2023 @ 10:06

Track and Flag infringements
Ian Seager
Christopher Barningham
Richard Thomas
Sean Cooper
Liam Johnston
Tony Coales
Rod Germaney
Richard Duvall
David Dray
Martyn Westcott-Wreford
Kevin Ray
Anthony Heard
Paul Pini

Startline / Pit / Flag infringements
John Wells
Burgess Darryl
Janice Wells
David Freundlich

Track Limits
Steve Wilton

All Infringements
Paul Donaghy
Tony Almond

Race Start, Pit Lane Speeding and other Pit lane infringements
Anna Lambe
Becky Kennedy
Chris Humphreys
Patrick Lambe
Stuart Reid
Dave Eley
Martin Purnell
Chris Whayman
Alan Moll
John Wells

October 21/22 – Brands Hatch FFF