Judge of Fact Appointments

BULLETIN # 40 General Announcements
July 22/23 - Snetterton 23 July 2023 @ 9:18

Judges of Fact Appointments (Breaching Track Limits)

Post 1 Stephen Lea

Post 3 Christopher Storr

Post 6 Neil Batty

Post 9 Anrew Lines

Post 10 Katrina Lines

Post 11 Neil West

Post 13 Roger Allnutt

Post 16 Tony Tillbrook

Post 17 Kevin Farrell

Post 18 Roger Morris

Post 20 Malcolm Gould

Track Limits Camera Operator Andrew Crane

Judges of Fact Appointments (Startline & Pit Lane Infringements)
Paul Brooks, Doug Woodrow, Glen Lubbock, Terry Defrond, Shannon Whatley,
Malcolm Self, Paul Bardwell, Neil Whatley, Dave Eley, Robin Welsh, Kevin Welsh,
Toby Ward, Charlotte White

July 22/23 – Snetterton