Correction to Art. 12 of the Final Instruction – F) Historic Final Grid

Bulletin # 69
General Announcements

F) Historic Festival Final

Grids for the Historic Festival Final will be formed using the Race Classification from the Semi Finals for eligible competitors, i.e. Super Classic classes A, B C & D.

•Pole position will be taken by the highest placed eligible competitor in the fastest Semi Final*

•2nd position on the grid will be taken by the highest placed eligible competitor in the slower Semi Final

•3rd position on the grid will be taken by the 2nd highest placed eligible competitor in the fastest Semi Final

•4th position on the grid will be taken by the 2nd highest placed eligible competitor in the slower Semi Final.

•And so on. Should one Semi-Final have no further historic competitors, then the remainder of the grid will be formed by the finishing order of the remaining eligible competitors in the other Semi Final.

•If places are still available, any eligible car which did not qualify for the Semi Finals will be placed on the grid in finishing order of the Progression Races (alternating between the fastest Progression Race and the slowest Progression Race)

•If places are still available, any eligible car which did not qualify for Progression races will be placed on the grid in reverse order of finishing order and retirements from the Heats.

October 22/23 – Branch Hatch Indy – Formula Ford Festival